Hey, don't stop me!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


வாங்க வாங்க...

Well, this is my first appearance into the world of blogging. Though I had a bit of interest in it since a few years ago, I was skeptical who would read it. So I didn't start a blog.

All these years I have been blogging in Orkut. Yes, I post my short stories, poetry, movie reviews, my views about the world, etc. So I consider it as blogging. To my knowledge, I'm the only one who does so(பெரும! பெரும! :D). If any other did so, please bring it to my knowledge.

I was satisfied with the responses I got by blogging in Orkut and got many visitors, including strangers, whenever I update my profile to post things. இதுக்கு நான் ஒரு உலக மகா marketing strategy-யை பின்பற்றினேன்.

Even when you update your profile people won't visit it unless it attracts... So I usually create an attractive picture myself, related to the topic I post and keep it as profile's display picture. Then I give suitable speculative profile name. As most people find it interesting they visit my profile and I believe they never get disappointed because of the quality of post in the 'About me' section.

அது சரி, அப்புறம் ஏன்யா இத ஆரம்பிட்ச்ச-ன்னு கேட்கறது காதுல விழுது. என்னங்க பண்றது, கூட இருந்த நண்பன்(blogger) ஒருத்தன் Orkut எல்லாம் சரி வராது டா நீ பேசாம ஒரு Blog ஆரம்பிச்சுடுன்னு என்ன உசுப்பேத்தி விட்டுட்டான். இவ்வளோ வருஷம் எனக்குள்ள தூங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்த எலி, பல்லி, பூரான், கரப்பான் பூச்சி எல்லாம் சிலிர்த்து எழுந்திருச்சு... அதோட எப்பெக்ட்டு தான் இது! :(

I believe that a blog's objective is to entertain others or should make the readers learn something from it - be about life or whatever... It is of no use if the blog isn't read by anybody. And it is of no use if it's JUST to record one's own thoughts. So here I lay the stories of my journey in life before you...

Once I heard a personality say that Mahabharata can be written out of every Indian's life. Though I can't figure it out at this age, I'm aware that I can provide you at least an entertaining 'Tom and Jerry' story out of my life.

நீங்கள் பொறுமையுடன் படித்ததற்கு மிக்க நன்றி.
மீண்டும் வருக!

அப்பப்பா... ஒரு ஆள புடிக்கறக்கு என்னல்லாம் சொல்லவேண்டியிருக்கு?!


  1. Hearty welcome to the world of blogging...

    Intha dubakoor ezhuthaalanai usupethi vitta perumai ennaye saerum.

  2. Nice to read... Great work :)

  3. padikka naan irukken nee kavalapadama eluthu nanba. good job..

  4. good job...இது தான் da thaங்கிலிஸ்...

  5. super'a irukuda.. tamil english rendulayum kalukara.. ne kaelapu da.... :):):)

  6. super'a irukuda.. tamil english rendulayum kalukara.. ne kaelapu da.... :):):)

  7. Great work yaar. It's a good start . Have it blooming.

  8. @ nivetha, sathy, deepa, prem, balaji, nithin

    thank you very much! :)

  9. kavithailam balama eruku..super..keep it up

  10. thank you, anusha! please post comments under their respective topics. it'll be appropriate... :)


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